By Patrizia Rossato Mari
Posted in Appointment, Arte, Cultura, Personaggi
‘LA PASSIONE secondo COLANGELO’ inaugura Venerdì 13 Marzo 2015, ore 19.30 al MIXTO Corso Castelfidardo 34 a Torino.
Fulvio Colangelo, scenografo, graphic designer, pubblicitario, art curator, artista con mostre in 15 nazioni, vive nel suo studio galleria Ki-Gallery in centro a Torino.
Black Moon a major exhibition in a huge space. The space is the MixTo in Turin. Crystals, steel pipes and wooden b…eams are here together projected into a space of continuous windows.
The works are a MIX between painting, photography, sculpture, digital, graphic interventions. videos, installations.
To see everything you need to turn, climb, descend.
Only in this way you’ll discover so many things precious and surprising.
It’s the work of a life presented these days from March 13 to April 13, 2015.
What unites such a different works is a technique always dominated by the impulse, the intensity, the unrepeatable moment where time stops for let ourselves get into a different and fantastic world. Love, eroticism, tension are the many faces of a single theme, the Passion, the one we are kneaded, the one that gives meaning to life
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